all about Adilah Azhar

Monday 22 April 2013

Mother Father Gentleman!

It's has been a long time since I update this blog. Banyak story mau cerita..hahaha. So, we go one by one. Sebagai calon SPM 2012, saya sudah seharusnya, sewajibnya, sepatutnya mendapat kembali my result.
YES! I already got my result! Hmmm..camna nak cerita ah??

Ok, I got 6A(4A+,2A) 2B(1B+,1B) 1C+ for my SPM..seriously, terkejut + happy + sedih + ALHAMDULILLAH! My parents target more than that but what should I do? Umi, Abah, itu saja yang Along mapu buat untuk SPM, ALLAH dah berikan yang terbaik untuk along..:)

Mula-mula melihat result
reaction: eh, aku pnya eh?? jup2x, 1,2,3,4,5,6 A! 1,2 B! 1C
10 second after that: Umi, ni result Along! both of us"ALHAMDULILLAH"

Nak cakap tak puas hati dengan result pun ade jugak weyh, ye la sebagai seorang manusia, perasaan n sikap tak puas hati tu semestinya wujud! Tapi, benda dah lepas, ape nak buat? Amik pengajaran n study hard 4 ur future! Saya sedar yang saya x belajar gila-gila macam orang lain n still tonton tv, didn't finish my homework..
Huhuhu, pengakuan khas lagi tak tahu malu tuu..

So, nasihat serta pesanan serta ingatan daripada ex-student(muahahaha):
Study sungguh-sungguh, banyak doa kat Allah agar mudahkan segala soalan yang akan ditanya nanti, mintak apa yang kita study boleh ingat sampai hari SPM sebenar. Mintak restu serta doa dari parents dulu. terakhir sekali hormat guru yang mengajar kita(jangan nak jadi bodoh sombong sangat la) dan bertawakal!
Yes, SPM bukanlah akhir segala-galanya tpi permulaan untuk kehidupan yang lebih mencabar!

My class teacher! Pn. Chandra <3
Where's my name??? Yeah!
Zaleha sibuk membuat analisis result saya!
Sarah Atiqah with her "cute" face and Zaleha :)
With teachers!! bogoshipo!!
Hamizah, Zaleha, ME, Sarah, Jia Xin

Sarah n her girlfriend<3 awww :)
Me and AINA (hardcore V.I.P) peace yoo!
Sarah! thanks 4 everything BABE! :)

Me with Keng Kuan 
Sarah, Ikmal(budak pandai!) , Me  :)

:) I should stop here! Save for the next post! hehehe
Assalamualaikum :)

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Tick Tock Tack

Duster please!! *yeah, i'm still alive*

Lama dah tak ber'update' this blog. It's not that i'm busy tapi don't have mood to write...mianhe blog!
Hmmmm....what should I write here?

1. Dapat lesen!

    Yeah, i got a license now! vroom vroom, bukan lesen motor tapi lesen kereta :). even dah dapat lesen pun, still not-so-confident nak bawa kereta kat jalan besar, just bawa pusing2x BK...pergi Speedmart. Itu dah kira Ok la for me, nak pergi jauh2x pun nak buat apa? My parents still can drive me where ever I want to go !! feeling bawa kereta mmg best, kalau boleh nak habiskan je tangki minyak tu sampai menyala lampu indicator kat dashbord hahaha. Actually drive kereta AUTO is easier than MANUAL much much much much easier... Kita just handlr break, minyak n stereng je. no more clutch n all the gears...still a lot of things I should practice to be PEMANDU BERHEMAH. practice will make us perfect!

2. Holiday!

    PENANG! penang again... ini bukan pertama kali pergi cuti kat Penang, it's like 4-5 kali dahh. Pergi Penang time CNY itu hari n I told my friends that I'm in Penang now! and they like "wat apa pergi Penang? nak GANGNAM STYLE jugak ke??" confuse n weird bila my friends tanya macam tu. *dush* rasa macam duduk bawah tempurung jer that time. My friends cakap, "eh ko minat k-pop takkan tak tau pulak dah, OPPA PSY g Penang jugak". Seriously, tak expect pun yang oppa tu nak datang tapi tak best pun cause i'm not interest to GANGNAM STYLE n PSY...:( mianhe OPPA! Kita orang pergi Penang sebab ada wedding family. Stay kat Penang for 2 days and 1 night only but rasa macam 4 days 3 nights je cause kita orang pergi jalan2x n jalan2x n shopping2x n shopping2x. Masuk hotel just mandi n tidur...hahaha most time dalam kereta n makan2x angin. Photo time! wanna keep this memories <3

waiting for the ferry to come
the cars are queuing up 

on the ferry
HI there! haha

going up!
Azlan :)
Masjid Terapung


say cheseeee :)
JERUKKKK!! again
p/s: kalau datang Penang x pekena JERUK n NASI KANDAR, memang rugi !

till here for this post!
Assalamualaikum :)

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Little Things

First time dengar this song dalam kereta but still tak dapat tau apa tajuk dye and trus decide record je..(dengar radio melalui handphone)

Sampai kat rumah, terus on internet and buka GOOGLE
Just type a piece of lyric from what I've heard from the song that I recorded
- You can't go to bed without a cup of tea-

tak samapi sekelip mata ja, trus keluar result....
Hebat betul MR.GOOGLE kita + Internet tgh laju that time :)

Tak percaya pulak lagu tu by ONE DIRECTION.....
hahahaha, sungguh ketinggalan zaman la diriku ini....


Little Things lyric
Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me 
but bear this mind it was meant to be 
and i'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks
and it all makes sense to me

i know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile, 
you've never loved your stomach or your thighs 
the dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine 
But i'll love them endlessly 

I won't let this little things slip out of my mouth 
But if i do, it's you, oh it's you, they add up to 
i'm in love with you and all these little things

You can't go to bed without a cup of tea
maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep
and all those conversations are the secrets that i keep 
though it makes no sense to me 

i know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape 
you never want to know how much you weigh 
you still have to squeeze into your jeans
but you're perfect to me 

i won't let this little things slips out of my mouth
But if it's true, it's you, it's you, they add up to
I'm in love with you and all these little things 

you never love yourself half as much as i love you 
you'll never treat yourself right darling but i want you to 
if i let you know, i'm here for you
maybe you'll love yourself like i love you oh

i've just let these little things slips out of my mouth 
because it's you, oh it's you, it's you they add up to 
and i'm in love with you (all these little things) 
I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth 
but if it's true, it's you, it's you they add up to 
I'm in love with you, and all your little things.

 This song stuck in my head!! wawawawa

till here 4 this post'
Assalamualaikum :)

Wednesday 28 November 2012


Say goodbye to SCHOOL and hye to NEW WORLD!



5S2 - 2012




SPM is overr...wuhuhuhuhu. Some paper were tough, some paper...ok ok la, some paper maybe a bit easy..MAYBE.
Alhamdulillah, semua paper dah buat sehabis baik...and hopefully to get good result!
Insyaallah semua OK and doa banyak2x :)

Sewaktu belum habis SPM n even the SPM pon belum lagi start,  my friend s and i were planning macam2x xtvt nak buat - shopping, hangout, kerja, belajar bawa kereta, tengok wayang


Lepas habis je SPM semua macam x tahu nak buat apa...HAHAHAHA......mmg betul kata orang, x ada guna plan awal2x bagai nak rak tpi all that didn't turned like what we planned....:(. Semua just duduk kat rumah n wat hal masing2x...

Duduk dekat rumah layan internet + utube ! BEST!!
tak lama lagi start la boring...HAHAHAHA...facebook memang dah lama gila tak jenguk, malas.
Does FB still exist?????? hahaahaha
Layan TUMBLR best!

Lyan k-pop for the whole day! hehehehehehehehe                (I'M IN LOVE WITH K-POP)

dengar cerita kawan2x lain dah start belajar bawa! I'm still waiting that moment :(
I hope my parents cepat2x hantar pergi ke kelas memandu......:)

tll here 4 this post!
Assalamualaikum :)

Tuesday 5 June 2012


Update blog!
Finally, ada juga ruang/time untuk update blog ni...

semangat rumah biru !

HAPPY HOLIDAY!!!! wooooohooooo :)
2 weeks holiday...., mana cukup...hahhaha. Kalau pasal holiday mesti nk lebih2x je..
for form 5, it's shouldn't be fully dully about feeling FREE n ON HOLIDAY MOOD !
nasib baik ada tusyen, so tak ada la feeling holiday yang tinggi menggunung...

11/6/2012 - still ada test kene amik. HAHAHAHA. tak buka buku langsung untuk test nnti...
macam yakin je boleh skor...,boleh la kot stakat PJK n SIVIK .. :D
Start sekolah nanti, confirm bertimbun kertas exam dapat..CUAK!
harap2x keputusan semua sedap mata memandang n hati tak berkecai...hehehehe

currently my mind stuck on k-pop! hahahahaha
please, someone help me !!!!

better stop dulu sampai sini...
sebelum memanjang cerita pasal k-pop..

Assalamualaikum ! :D

Saturday 24 December 2011

HoliDay !!!!

One week more to 2012 !!! That's mean....SESSI PERSEKOLAHAN BERMULA !! sekjap gila rasa cuti.... Next year, I'm seventeeeennnnn   :)  n SPM's candidate  :( next year would be my last year in schooolll....
SEDEYHHH .... but, life must go on.....

  • plan untuk habis study form 4 subj.
  • cari tusyen for next year.
  • basuh last year pnyer kasut.
  • hang out dgn friends.
  • shopping.
  • holidays with fmily.
  • balik kampung.
list kat atas adalah saya punya wishlist....(wishlist laa sangat kn?) from list2x kat atas tu...ada 1..2...3...4....jer yang i'm going to cross out benda yang tak terbuat lagi...

why laa i'm soo lazy...doesn't look like 17 to be budak....

-Hang Out with Friends-

voucher yg patut dibawa, but it  hilang. SAKAI !

@ Pizza Hut IOI  -zaleha azlan.

click click :)

Mithra, me, leha.

i should stop her....:)
Assalamualiakum <3

*layan lagu infinite*

Friday 18 November 2011


wahhh...i didn't update my blog for a long time...tak de masa..hehhehe.. acctually, busy layan youtube! So many song need to be hear and now i'm totally in love with KOREAN drama...pigidahhh...dulu bukan main nak anti lagi budak2x k-pop..HAHHAHA sorry sorry :)


next year, two-o-one-two, 2012.......................................SPM YEAR! @*#$%*@>% Totally not ready n not prepare yet! Mcm semalam je rasa baru lepas ambil PMR n now SPM pulak...aigo0o

Hey you (refer to me), please study very, very, very, very, very, very,very hard n get a good, good, good, good, good, good result !

stress gila fikir pasal all this things..

I hope evrything goes welllll next year, 2012 please be nice to me

I'll stop my post here :)